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European CommissionBundesministerium für Bildung und FrauenSozialministerium

Research Project Supported by the European Commission, the BMBF and BMASK

  • English
  • Deutsch

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Germany: Brochure for women with disabilities

The brochure addresses women with disabilities in Germany and is available in German and German Easy Read. The German sign language video is available in the Austrian version.

Germany: Audio-Brochure for women with disabilities

The Audio Brochure in German language adresses women with disabilities in Germany.

National Report Germany: legal and political framework

This report offers an overview of the available information concerning violence against women with disabilities in Germany. The desk study describes the current legislation in Germany on violence against women, specific policies and organisations concerning violence against women and analyses the accessibility of these structures for women with disabilities who experienced/ experience violence.

Guidelines for identifying good practice examples of barrier-free access to specialized victim support services

The guidelines and criteria in this report aim to assist in identifying and developing good practice examples in specialised support services for women with disabilities who have experienced violence. They were developed by the participating research teams in collaboration with stakeholders and advisory group members. Guidelines are available in English and Icelandic.