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European CommissionBundesministerium für Bildung und FrauenSozialministerium

Research Project Supported by the European Commission, the BMBF and BMASK

  • English
  • Deutsch

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Claudia Sprenger

Project lead
Claudia Sprenger holds a master's degree in science of education and disability studies. She has a longstanding experience as program and project manager in national and international aid agencies. She has been working at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights (BIM) for five years, focussing on the implementation of the human rights based approach and rights of persons with disabilities in countries of the south and east. She has concluded several consultancy and monitoring services. Since March 2012 she is the coordinator of the three years framework contract with the Austrian Development Agency (ADA). Additionally she is a member of the ADA-working group on persons with disabilities and the working group disability and development of the AG Global Responsibility. Together with Sabine Mandl she is responsible for the development and implementation of the present Daphne III 2007-2013 project.