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European CommissionBundesministerium für Bildung und FrauenSozialministerium

Research Project Supported by the European Commission, the BMBF and BMASK

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  • Deutsch

Sarah Woodin

European Partners
Sarah Woodin is a Research Fellow at the University of Leeds, is Co-Investigator for the UK component of this Daphne lll project and manages the University of Leeds' research responsibilities in the UK partnership agreement. Her research concerns disability and independent living in its broadest sense, including work on institutional abuse and hate crime as well as interpersonal and domestic violence. Most of her current research is carried out at the European level, including with the EU funded Academic Network of European Disability Experts (ANED). Before re-entering academia, Sarah worked to develop leadership, policy innovations and alternative services to institutional provision through supported employment and independent living, at local, national and international levels, especially in relation to people with intellectual disabilities. At Leeds she is involved in a wide range of research and teaching with the Centre for Disability Studies.
Great Britain